Special Meeting –April 1, 2010


           I.     CALL TO ORDER: The Special Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Vice Chairman Bill Britton at 1502 hours.  Members Present: Bill Britton, Mike Williams, Larry Helsley and George Owen.  Members Absent: Steve Howard.  Others Present: Chief Smith and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


         II.     CLOSED SESSION:

A.    (Government code section 54957: Public Employment)

Title: Fire Chief/Marshal -

Chief Smith reported to the Board on his illness during the past 2 years, the progress he is making and what he expects to be able to do if he is able to return to active duty and Fire chief.  Entered into closed session at 1520 hours.


       III.     REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION (Government code section 54957.1 (b)) – Entered into open session at 1545 hours.  Vice Chairman Britton reported the Board approves Chief Smith to return to full active duty as of April 5, 2010.  Chief Smith is to work as many hours as he sees fit and eventually work back into a 40 work week when he feels able to do so.  Chief Smiths Contract, Anniversary Date and Accrual Time earned will be discussed at a later date.


       IV.     PUBLIC COMMENTS: Chief Smith thanked the Board for allowing him to return to Active Duty. 


         V.     ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1602 hours


Approved:  April 6, 2010




______________________________                  _____________________________

      Bill Britton, Vice Chairman                                       Marjie Maddox, Clerk